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Making Cigars

Cigar Wrapper (Capa)

The making of a premium cigar begins with the planting of the seed in the greenhouses and growing until ready for planting in the tobacco fields of Nicaragua. There are over 2000 hands that touch the tobacco before Don Elba Cigars is prepared to seek the finest tobacco. The choice of premium tobacco is shared between Jennifer Sandino and our Master Blenders. We also use a tobacconist in Nicaragua, who has sourced the tobacco we use. There are many farms to visit and much to consider when selecting the tobacco used by Doña Elba Premium Cigars.


Wrapper Install

The wrapper is the outside leaf of a premium cigar. In Nicaragua, we refer to the wrapper as the Capa. We use several types of wrappers, which must be mated with the binder and filler of the cigar. Here are some of our most favorite wrappers:pper 

Rosado from Jalapa Valley

This Capa is grown in the region of Jalapa Valley, Nicaragua, which is North of Estelí. The soil and weather are much like the climates of Cuba. This Capa is one of the more different wrapper shades. Rosado translates to "rosy" or "pinkish" in Spanish. The wrapper has a distinct reddish hue and is extra challenging to grow outside of Cuba, which means that only a handful of companies like Doña Elba Cigars in Nicaragua are lucky enough to have a supply of this leaf. This makes Rosado wrapped cigars rate and highly sought after. Typically, these cigars are very spicy with notes of cedar, coffee, earth, and pepper.

Ecuadorian Habano

With the name of Habano, it merely means the tobacco is grown from Cuban seed tobacco. This Capa is one of the most expensive tobacco in the world. Ecuadorian Habano has only been around a dozen years, but it has become one of the premium cigar favorite leaves at Doña Elba Cigars. This leaf has all the characteristics as a thick, creamy, and oily structure. The blade has great tasting in flavor with veins that hardly show. This makes for a unique type of wrapper for your Doña Elba Cigar.

Mexico San Andres Valley

Another great Cape. We import this Capa from Mexico's San Andres Valley. This is the premium Capa for those dark Maduro premium cigars. Sometimes the Capa is limited due to the weather conditions in Mexico, but at Doña Elba Cigars, we keep an extensive stock to fill our orders.

Pennsylvania Oscuro

PennsylvaniaOur Pennsylvania Capa is grown from seeds that first started in the USA in the State of Pennsylvania. It is commonly grown for us in Nicaragua. This wrapper brings along a wonderfully light, chocolaty tobacco scent. Once widely used and becoming scarce for buyers, it is now grown in Nicaragua and is one of our favorite dark Capa leaves. This Capa leaf is a little less broad than some of our other Capa leaves but makes a great tasting premium cigar. Oscuro translates to Dark in English.

Connecticut Capa


This Capa is the lightest Capa mainly used for a milder type of Premium Cigar. It is grown in Ecuador from original seeds that came from the USA, Connecticut, tobacco fields.

After selecting the type of Capa, we must then match it up with a blend that will complement the Capa and give the cigar aficionado the perfect taste of their own branded cigar. To see the rest of the store, take a look at our wrapper material and the different type of tobacco filler.

Now take a look at the inside of a Cigar

The tobacco inside of the cigar is comprised of the Binder (Capoto), Filler (from 4 - 5 different tobaccos), and the Wrapper (Capa) which you just read about.


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